Tag Archives: motherhood

let’s get ready for 2013.

28 Dec

Can you believe the last Friday of 2012 is upon us? If it weren’t for the 7 month old sitting next to me eating Gerber Puffs all by himself, reminding me he’s no longer a newborn, I might not even have realized how quickly time has passed.

2012 has been a great year full of new clients, new ideas and new babies. Kelly and I both couldn’t be more thankful for all of our blessings.

But 2013 will be here in the blink of an eye and I’m excited.

Rather than make a resolution or create a list of all the things I want to accomplish in 2013, I’m taking a different approach. Here is a list of a few things I’m NOT going to do in 2013.

1.  I’m not going to leave the house unless I’m prepared to run into someone I know. You think, I don’t need to brush my hair, I’m just running to the store. Bam. You see an old friend from high school. No one will notice this spit up stain on my shirt, I just need to stop at the post office. Oh, hello ex boyfriend. It never fails.

2.  I’m not going to try to give my dogs away anymore. Listen, dogs and babies just don’t mix. Dogs wake babies up. Dogs knock babies over. Dogs lay on the ground looking all soft and furry and then get mad when babies lay on them. I love them but gosh, they’re such a pain.

3.  After the kids go to bed, I’m not going to spend hours on my computer. Instead, I’m going to spend more time snuggling with my husband. 

4.  I’m not going to let my two year old play on top of the dryer. Cody loves the dryer. Or he just loves throwing the change from the jar above the dryer all over the room. Either way. That just sounds like bad parenting. What kind of parent would let their kid play on the dryer or with change? Not this one….anymore.

5.  Although there is not enough time in the day, I’m not going to let that stop Kelly and I from accomplishing our goals. Everyday we can take steps towards completing our goals, even if they are small steps.

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year’s and create resolutions of your own that will make you happier in 2013.

Oh, and one more thing, the winner of the $20 Callie’s gift card is… Diane Price! Thanks so much to everyone who participated!

let’s raise awareness.

13 Dec

I just sat down to write a post about Meals on Wheels when the symptoms of my medical condition began to flare up. What is my medical condition, you ask? Well, it’s very serious. The condition affects my brain, my ability to perform simple tasks, sometimes I wonder if I should even be allowed to operate motorized vehicles. The condition? Mommy Brain.

There once was a time when I had it together. I could remember SO MANY THINGS. I could go to the grocery store without a list and come home with everything I needed. Then, children happened. Now, I can’t even remember where the grocery store is half the time.

What do these flare ups entail? Well, here are a few examples, organized by my level of embarrassment.

1. When I began writing this post I called my son Cody, Rocco. Why Rocco? I have no idea. Did I see something on TV or online that may have brought that name to the forefront of my mind? No. Just pulled it out of my bum.

2. After grocery shopping the other day I left my groceries in the car for at least 5 hours because I completely forgot they were there. I mean, I did some serious shopping too, not just a quick run out to grab something to make for dinner. Good thing it’s cold out.

3. My sister-in-law’s mother came over the other day to pick up my nephew. While standing in my kitchen she asked me where my garbage is and I had NO IDEA. I completely blanked. I couldn’t even form a sentence. Both my mom and sister-in-law’s mom just stared at me as if I was having a stroke. No, I didn’t recently move the garbage. Yes, I use the garbage at least 75 times per day. This one actually scared me a little.

4. I backed into my mom’s car….in my own driveway. No further explanation needed.

These are just a few examples. I forget my children’s names, leave loads of laundry half folded, forget to feed my dogs, etc. on a daily basis. Don’t worry, the dogs always get fed…at some point.

If you also suffer from Mommy Brain then I hope this post makes you feel better. I would also like to point out that this condition affects more than just mommies – grammies, daddies, alcoholics also show signs of this illness.

In addition, I would like to reassure my clients that this condition does not affect my work. I write everything down and have a tape recorder strapped to me at all times to ensure I don’t miss a thing.

Red bow on finger


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